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Is Your Hernia Mesh Failing? Know The Signs

Find Out If You May Qualify

– Updated on October 21, 2024

Your hernia mesh could fail, learn the signs!

You had your hernia repaired with hernia mesh, but you just don’t seem to be doing any better. Maybe you even feel worse. Also known as physiomesh, hernia mesh isn’t always well tolerated by the body. Your body may reject it or the mesh may actually fail. Both rejection and failure of the mesh can be a medical emergency.

Why Do Doctors Use Them?

Hernia mesh is a relatively new option to correct hernias. In some cases, hernias may not be severe enough to warrant surgical intervention. If your healthcare provider determines that you are a suitable candidate for surgical repair, the surgery could be laparoscopic or what is known as an open repair. Surgical repair doesn’t always include the use of hernia mesh. Open repair without the use of physiomesh is referred to as primary closure.

So, if hernias can be repaired without the use of hernia mesh, why do healthcare providers recommend its use for some patients? It is recommended because hernias are recurring. If a hernia is fixed surgically without mesh, it can rupture again in the future.

Another reason your doctor may recommend a hernia mesh is because it often reduces the amount of time it takes for recovery. Unless the mesh fails, people get back to their normal activities in less time.

FDA Reports Hernia Mesh Complications

After multiple reports to the FDA about adverse effects involving physiomesh along with supporting scientific, peer reviewed studies, the FDA has agreed that there are complications that may occur after its use.

Yet, it’s also important to understand that hernia mesh was approved by the FDA without any sort of testing. Despite the reports to the FDA and the supporting scientific studies, little has been done by the FDA to protect the public from these dangerous devices.

Signs That Your Mesh Is Failing

Hernia mesh failure can cause some serious complications. If you notice any of the following signs after your surgery, let your healthcare provider know right away. Some of these signs could also indicate a life-threatening medical emergency. For those symptoms, please get emergency medical care.

Signs Of Sepsis

If your hernia mesh is failing, you could develop a life-threatening infection that is known as sepsis. Sepsis is a medical emergency. It can be fatal. Symptoms include a fever of 101 or higher, a pulse that is higher than 90 beats per minute, a respiratory rate higher than 20 breaths per minute, a severe decrease in urination, a serious an unexpected change in mental status, difficulty breathing, and abdominal pain.

Signs Of Infection

If you have an increase in pain, a fever, or discharge, make an appointment to see your doctor. Sometimes the infection is severe enough to warrant removing the physiomesh and using another form of hernia correction.

Development Of A Bowel Obstruction

After the surgery, scar tissue to build up in the body. This build up often attaches the hernia mesh to the intestines. A bowel obstruction can develop. If you are unable to have a bowel movement, you may have a bowel obstruction.

Development Of An Autoimmune Disorder

Symptoms for autoimmune disorders vary depending on the disorder itself. Some common symptoms of autoimmune disorders include fatigue, muscle pain, and joint pain.

Hurt by Hernia Mesh?

If you were hurt by hernia mesh, you may have legal rights to compensation such as lost wages, pain and suffering, and for your medical expenses. Goldwater Law Firm is providing free case evaluations for people who were hurt because of hernia mesh or physiomesh. To learn how we can help you, contact us today.

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