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New Netflix Series Investigates Juul and the Vaping Crisis

Find Out If You May Qualify

– Updated on January 29, 2025


On November 27, Netflix released a docuseries, titled The Broken, that explores how consumers may be unaware of the safety hazards and practices used to make popular items.

The original series specifically delves into four industries: counterfeit makeup, ready-made furniture, vaping products made by Juul, and the plastic and recycling industries.

As the devastating outbreak of vaping-related illnesses continues to sweep the nation, Broken’s vaping episode investigates Juul’s role in the nationwide epidemic that has claimed at least 39 lives and caused over 2,000 people to develop serious lung diseases.

This is a topic that personally resonates with our team at Goldwater Law Firm. Together with our partner attorneys, we’re dedicated to holding companies that put profits before consumer safety responsible for their actions.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a lung disease after using Juul products, you may have legal options. We can put you in touch with an experienced Juul lawyer who can help.

As the new Netflix series highlights, our nation’s youth is suffering from this tragic epidemic. We want to do our part to inform the public about the dangers of vaping and help those who have been affected.

Juul: The Face of the Vaping Industry

modern-electronic-cigarettesJuul actually started as “Ploom” in 2004 as the smokers’ way of the future. When Ploom rebranded to Juul and launched in 2015, it only took a year for sales to increase by 700 percent, Business Insider stated. Today, JUUL is a $24 billion company.

The problem? Juul has been cited in a growing number of investigations and lawsuits for knowingly targeting a younger demographic by selling trendy e-cigarettes and flavored nicotine pods.

In a recent survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was discovered that one in four high school students vape. Additionally, seven out of ten high school students are exposed to advertisements for e-cigarettes.

Although “juuling” has become the norm in high schools across the country, Juul’s executives have continued to claim that their goal has always been to provide adult smokers a safer alternative to cigarettes.

“We are absolutely against any use of our product by minors,” Juul co-founder Adam Bowen says in the trailer for the Netflix series.

However, growing evidence suggests otherwise. While Juul has become the face of the vaping industry and is widely blamed for the teen vaping epidemic, the safety and long-term health risks of e-cigarettes continue to be a mystery.

Popcorn Lungs and Other Vaping-Related Illnesses

doctor-looking-closely-at-xray-of-lungsThe scary thing about the outbreak of vaping-related illnesses is that health experts are still unable to pinpoint the direct cause. Many people have suffered serious and fatal vaping-related illnesses, one of which being popcorn lungs. This irreversible condition, also known as bronchiolitis obliterans, refers to the scarring and consequent thickening of tiny air sacs in the lungs.

The term “popcorn lung” comes from the ingredient that was used over a decade ago to make popcorn: diacetyl. This common ingredient was used to make popcorn taste buttery without the use of butter until factory workers started becoming sick from exposure. Today, diacetyl is a common ingredient found in some flavored e-cigarettes.

The symptoms of popcorn lung include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Dry cough
  • Exhaustion

Rare lung injuries, like popcorn lung, that have emerged across the U.S. have not been seen at this rate in the past. Health officials are continuing to investigate the links between these lung illnesses and vaping.

Get Help From a Juul Lawyer Today

As investigations, like the new Netflix series, shed light on Juul and the vaping crisis, concerns continue to grow for our nation’s youth and all consumers.

We are prepared to take a stand against those who would poison our children. If you or your teen is suffering from a vaping-related illness, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your unimaginable losses.

Call Goldwater Law Firm today at 866-984-9782. Those who have developed vaping-related lung illnesses deserve justice!

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