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Man injured on the job in Phoenix, AZ

Were You Hurt on the Job?

You have rights under Arizona workers’ compensation law and Goldwater Law Firm is here to help you protect those rights!

Find Out If You May Qualify

Find Out if You May Qualify


Workers’ compensation is a right that almost every Arizona worker has. It’s a no-fault form of insurance that’s in place specifically to protect you if you get hurt at work. This means that as long as your injury happened during the normal course of your work duties, you should be entitled to coverage under workers’ comp.

However, navigating Arizona workers’ comp laws can be tricky, and insurance companies will likely look for any excuse to deny your claim. That’s why having an experienced Phoenix, AZ, workers’ comp lawyer on your side will be to your benefit. As the gold standard of injury law, Goldwater Law Firm is here to help you take the first steps towards the money you’re owed!

Getting Legal Help Has Never Been Easier

If you were hurt on the job, you’re facing enough challenges as it is. Getting the legal help you need shouldn’t be one of them. One call or click is all it takes to reach Goldwater Law Firm!

You Deserve Benefits

The law entitles you to benefits for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses after a workplace accident. We’re dedicated to helping you fight for what you’re rightfully owed.

There’s No Upfront Fees and No Risk

We work on a contingency-fee basis. This means there’s no fee upfront and no fee at all unless your case is won, so there’s never any risk to you!

We Understand What You’re Going Through

Whether you’ve been denied workers’ compensation or you’re filing for benefits the first time after a work-related accident, you may be feeling a range of emotions from confused and betrayed to angry and scared. Workers’ compensation is supposed to be there to protect you but, unfortunately, too many people are denied and have to struggle for the benefits they so badly need and deserve.

We know what you’re going through and we’re here to help you navigate what comes next. Whether you’ve suffered a repetitive motion injury or slipped on the way to the bathroom, you deserve workers’ comp benefits and you also deserve to focus on what’s important – your recovery. Together with our network of Phoenix, AZ, workers’ comp lawyers, we can take on the hard part of fighting with the insurance company while you focus on getting better again.

injured worker filing for workers’ compensation

What Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Workers’ compensation exists to protect Arizona workers in the event of a workplace accident or illness.
If you’ve been hurt or suffered an illness due to the nature of your job, workers’ comp benefits can provide financial assistance to help cover:

Medical Benefits

A work-related injury can be extremely expensive. You may be facing huge medical bills, doctor’s visits, medication, physical therapy, and even surgical procedures. If you are unable to return to work while recovering, you may have trouble paying these bills. Workers’ compensation can provide coverage for any reasonable medical expenses necessary for your recovery.

Disability Benefits

Workers’ comp can also cover a portion of your lost wages while you recover. Depending on the severity of your injury or illness, you may be entitled to one of the four types of disability benefits under workers’ compensation:

  • Temporary partial disability (TPD): You are still able to do some work, and your doctor believes you will eventually make a full recovery.
  • Temporary total disability (TTD): You’re completely unable to work during your recovery, but you are expected to eventually be able to return to work.
  • Permanent partial disability (PPD): Your injury will forever limit the type of work tasks you’re able to perform.
  • Permanent total disability (PTD): Your condition is totally disabling and you aren’t expected to make a recovery.

Death Benefits

Losing a loved one to a work-related accident isn’t just traumatic on an emotional level, but it can also result in financial disaster. Death benefits are in place under workers’ compensation to help the family of the deceased cover expenses such as funeral costs, loss of income contributed to the household, and more.

Common Workplace Injuries: Did This Happen to You?

Workers’ compensation is in place to cover any workplace accident that occurs during the normal course of your duties.

Listed below are some of the most common workplace injuries. If you’ve suffered one of these injuries or any injury on the job, you should be entitled to benefits, regardless of who was at fault for the accident:

  • Repetitive motion injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Slip and falls
  • Injuries from moving or lifting heavy objects
  • Injuries sustained while using equipment at work

Are You Struggling to Get Workers’ Comp Benefits?

Don’t wait to get the legal help you need. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we may help you take the right steps towards the money you deserve.

construction worker injured after a workplace fall

How to File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Arizona

While most workers should be covered under workers’ compensation in the event of a workplace accident, it’s important to take the right steps, as there are many rules and regulations surrounding workers’ comp claims.

If you’ve been hurt on the job, keep these steps in mind:

  • Report the Accident to Your Supervisor

The first thing you need to do is let your employer know you were hurt.

  • Submit the Proper Forms to the ICA

It is your responsibility to file a claim within one year of the date of your injury by submitting a Workers’ Form of Injury to the Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA). Your employer is also required to file an Employer’s Report of Injury, but keep in mind that this is not a claim; it is just a report of the injury.

After you’ve filed your claim, the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier will be notified. They have 21 days from this point to accept or deny your claim.

  • Get Medical Attention

In order to receive workers’ comp benefits, you must be seen by a medical professional. Make sure to attend all doctor’s appointments and follow your doctor’s treatment plan.

  • Contact an Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorney

Finally, it’s important to contact a qualified Phoenix, AZ, workers’ comp lawyer to help you navigate the process and any difficulties that may come up along the way. This will ensure you may have the best chance of receiving the full amount you deserve.

Workers’ Comp FAQs

As long as you were hurt while on the clock and performing your regular duties, you should be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, even if you were outside of the work site.

There are a few kinds of injuries that aren’t covered. These include those that might occur at work but are outside your normal duties. For example, if you get into a fight with another employee, or if you’re injured while committing a crime. Your Phoenix, AZ, workers’ comp lawyer can advise you on whether or not your injury is covered.

Your injury or illness may develop over time and can still be covered by workers’ comp. A prime example of this is developing tendonitis from swinging a hammer over and over every day.

Yes and no. In Arizona, the initial doctor you see must be the one chosen by your employer. After that, you may seek further medical attention from your primary care physician to confirm what the initial examiner determined.

The good news is that you have nothing to lose by calling a Phoenix, AZ, workers’ comp lawyer. At the Goldwater Law Firm, we work on a contingency-fee basis. There’s no fee and no obligation to receive a case evaluation and there won’t be any fees at all if you don’t get paid. Don’t leave your benefits up to chance. Contact Goldwater Law Firm today to find out your legal options and how we may help!

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