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Car Damaged After A Phoenix, Arizona Car Accident

Were You Hurt in a Car Accident?

Contact Goldwater Law Firm today. We’re the gold standard of injury law and we’re prepared to help you take steps towards the justice and compensation you deserve.

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The aftermath of a car accident that wasn’t your fault is never easy. Keep in mind, however, that you have rights. Insurance companies are meant to pay you for your losses, but they will try to withhold as much of your payout as they think they can get away with.

Together with our team of Phoenix, AZ, car accident lawyers and industry experts, Goldwater Law Firm won’t let a greedy insurance company take advantage of you. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, give us a call right away, and take the first step towards ensuring your rights are protected.

Get Help Fast

You need help fast after a car accident that wasn’t your fault. That’s why we make getting the legal help you need quick and easy. All you have to do is call or click and we’ll take it from there!

A Trusted Partner

In this difficult time when you’re in pain and insurance companies are trying to take advantage of you, our team can act as a trusted partner in the fight for your rights.

No Upfront Fees

You won’t owe a penny unless you get money for your case, so you never have to worry about whether you can afford legal help!

We Know How Tough a Car Accident Can Be

Being hurt in a car accident can be one of the most traumatic experiences of your life. Not only are you worried about your health, but the financial burden a car accident can place on you and your family can be devastating. You likely have many questions about your collision. How bad is your injury? Will you still be able to work? What if you can’t? How will you pay your bills? All of these concerns are valid and overwhelming.

This is where Goldwater Law Firm can help. We know how tough the days, weeks, and even months after a serious car accident can be and we want you to focus on recovering while our partner attorneys handle your case and work to put you in the best position to receive the settlement you deserve.

woman upset after being in a car accident in phoenix

Common Injuries From Car Accidents: Did This Happen to You?

If you’ve suffered one of these common injuries or any injury in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses:

  • Soft Tissue Injuries – This is the most common type of car accident injury and refers to any damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A well-known form of this is whiplash in the neck, but back injuries can occur as well.
  • Cuts & Lacerations – Deep cuts and lacerations are also quite common in car accidents, especially if broken glass is involved. Additionally, items in a vehicle like phones, books, and even mugs can cause these kinds of injuries.
  • Head Injuries – Head injuries tend to be more severe than any other kind of injury. Car accidents can cause anything from a mild concussion to severe brain damage.
  • Chest Injuries – Most chest injuries manifest as cuts or bruises in the area, but you could also suffer broken ribs. Broken ribs can lead to more serious internal injuries if the bones pierce any important internal organs.
  • Broken Bones – It’s common for individuals to suffer broken arms, legs, and other bones after a car accident. Broken bones of any kind are incredibly painful and can require serious surgeries and a lengthy recovery.

Why Do Car Accidents Happen?

Car accidents happen every day and, many times, could have been prevented if one or more drivers would have acted with care. Some of the most common causes of car accidents our Phoenix, AZ, car accident lawyers see include, but are not limited to:

Car Accident Laws in Arizona You Should Know

Every state has slightly different laws governing car accidents. Listed below are some of the most important laws that can affect your case in the state of Arizona. If you’re involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault in Phoenix, it will be to your advantage to contact a Phoenix, AZ, car accident lawyer who knows these laws and the ins and outs of the legal system.

At-Fault Insurance System

The state of Arizona is an at-fault insurance state, meaning people injured in a car accident can pursue damages from the at-fault party. This is different from no-fault states in which injured people typically pursue damages from their own insurance company, no matter who is at fault.

Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations also applies to car accident cases in Arizona. This is a time limit on when you can take legal action against the other party in your accident. If you’ve been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you must file your case within two years of the accident, regardless of whether the case is about property damage, bodily injury, or both.

Comparative Fault

It’s also important to understand that the comparative fault law applies in the state of Arizona. This law states that if you’re determined to share a certain percentage of fault with the other driver(s) involved in your accident, your compensation amount may be reduced by that percentage.

Proving Negligence

Car accident cases revolve around the concept of negligence, or carelessness. To receive the compensation you deserve, you must be able to demonstrate that someone else’s negligence caused your accident. There are three steps to proving negligence:

  1. You must demonstrate that the other party acted irresponsibly and counter to how a reasonable driver would act.
  2. You must demonstrate that their irresponsible behavior directly led to the accident.
  3. You must demonstrate that the accident directly caused your injuries.

Making the case for all these points can be tough on your own. That’s why it’s always best to have an experienced car accident attorney by your side.

Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions

After an accident, your first priority should be the safety of everyone involved. Get to a safe place and call emergency services. Then, be sure to contact a lawyer as soon as possible to have your case reviewed.

The police will conduct their own investigation, but it’s always best to take pictures of your own, if possible. Try to capture photos of the damage done to your vehicle and any bodily injuries you suffered. These photos can serve as valuable evidence to support your claim later on.

No two cases are exactly the same, so it’s difficult to know exactly how much your case may be worth until you consult with an attorney who can review all the facts of your accident, including the severity of your injuries, the cost of medical treatment, property repairs, lost wages, and more.

Insurance companies profit from denying as much coverage as possible. They are experienced negotiators trained to withhold benefits in order to save money. Having an experienced attorney on your side will give you the best chance at receiving the maximum amount you deserve for your injuries and other losses and ensure the insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you during this difficult time.

Every case varies and it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or longer to receive a settlement. While it’s difficult to predict exactly how long it will take your case to settle, you can rest assured that Goldwater Law Firm and our team of Phoenix, AZ, car accident lawyers will fight hard to settle your case as quickly and efficiently as possible, so you can get back to your life before your car accident.

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident in Phoenix, AZ, that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to recover compensation for a wide range of losses, such as your medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and more. The particular damages you may be able to claim will depend on the details of your case and getting the maximum amount you deserve can be difficult without experienced legal help. That’s where Goldwater Law Firm and our network of car accident attorneys come in. Contact us today so we can help you determine the true value of your case.

After your car accident, you will likely start to receive calls from an insurance adjuster working for the other driver’s insurance company. No matter how friendly and compassionate they may seem, don’t sign any paperwork or give them any information they could potentially use against you. This could seriously harm your case and chances of receiving the money you’re owed. Eventually, they may even try to bully or threaten you into accepting a low offer, but always remember that you are within your legal rights to direct them to your car accident lawyer.

The first steps you take after a car accident are of vital importance. First, stay calm and call first responders. Make sure you’re seen by a medical professional even if you feel that your injuries are minor. If possible, exchange information with the other driver, and get contact information from any witnesses. Gathering as much information at the scene of the accident, including photographs of the damage, can help support your claim later on. Finally, contact Goldwater Law Firm for a free consultation. You have legal rights, and you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other losses.

Hurt in a Car Accident? Get Help Today!

Contacting Goldwater Law Firm is the first step towards seeking the compensation you deserve from the insurance companies after your car accident. Don’t wait!

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