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If You Developed Cancer After Using Talcum Powder, Goldwater Law Firm is Here to Help!

Find Out If You May Qualify

The Goldwater Law Firm has been working with industry experts and experienced attorneys all across the country to bring big companies like Johnson & Johnson to justice after harming innocent consumers. We have helped people facing serious illnesses receive millions of dollars in settlements, and we want to help you, too.

If you used Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder, or any other talcum powder, and have since been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, you may be entitled to significant compensation for your losses and suffering. Attorney Bob Goldwater cares about you and wants to help you seek the justice and settlement you deserve. Read the following transcript to learn more about how The Goldwater Law Firm may be able to help you.

Speaker 1:
Attention, women. The makers of Baby Powder have just announced they are pulling the product from the shelves.

Speaker 2:
If you or a loved one used any talcum powder product and were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, call The Goldwater Law Firm right now.

Speaker 1:
Call right now and find out in less than two minutes if you may qualify. You may be entitled to a large out-of-court settlement.

Speaker 3:
Your time to act as quickly running out, so call us immediately.

Speaker 4:
Call 1-800-494-8686. That’s 1-800-494-8686.

Ovarian cancer is a serious diagnosis and one that deserves justice and compensation. The Goldwater Law Firm is on your side. We have been helping people just like you get the settlements they deserve for over 20 years. It only takes one call to find out if you may qualify. Get in touch with us today for a free, confidential case review.