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When Should You File a Video Game Addiction Claim

When Should You File a Video Game Addiction Claim?

If you or a loved one has suffered from gaming addiction, you may want help navigating the complex legal landscape and fighting for your rights. Don’t face this challenge alone – contact a video game addiction lawyer who can protect your right to compensation to cover your damages.

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You may want to file a video game addiction claim if your child’s gaming has become a serious problem. We recommend that you contact our team as soon as possible to discuss your options.

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When Is Video Game Playing a Problem?

Many children play video games, and many parents think their kids play for a bit too long. However, there is a point where it becomes an issue that can negatively affect your child, their future, and their prospects. If your child is playing for several hours at a time every single day and neglecting other things or acting aggressively when you ask them to stop playing, they may have a problem. Any of the following could make you eligible for a video game addiction lawsuit:

  • A diagnosis of a gaming disorder, video game addiction, ADD/ADHD, or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • A criminal record from addiction-related offenses, such as stealing money for games
  • Seizures
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Loss of education, such as dropping out of school
  • Being unable to move out and support yourself due to your gaming disorder
  • Inability to work full-time because your child plays too frequently
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Gamer Rage
  • Aggression and irritability
  • Sleep deprivation psychosis
  • Brain changes indicated by an MRI or CT scan
  • Computer vision syndrome
  • Orthopedic injuries, such as tennis elbow, neck sprain, neck herniation, gamer’s thumb/de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and trigger finger
  • Needing to homeschool your child so they can game more frequently
  • The requirement for a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at school
  • Inappropriate or excessive cursing
  • Severely neglected hygiene due to excessive gameplay
  • Playing video games instead of playing sports, engaging in other hobbies, or spending time with friends and family
  • Losing friends or withdrawing socially
  • Eating habits or pattern changes

How Long Do I Have to File a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?

Each state limits the time you have to take legal action, known as a statute of limitations. If you fail to file a lawsuit before this deadline expires, you will likely be unable to sue through the courts. While you can still negotiate a settlement, you’ve lost your leverage, making getting what you need harder.

This is one of the reasons it is so important to get in touch with our team as soon as you think your child is suffering the effects of a gaming addiction.

Another reason to contact us as soon as possible is because a strong case takes time to build. While you can trust our law firm partners to build the strongest possible case, they need the time to do so. The more time you give them, the better.

What Could I Recover from a Video Game Addiction Claim?

You might be able to recover medical bills, lost wages, lost earning capacity, non-economic damages, and punitive damages. Once a few video game addiction cases have reached the settlement or verdict stage, we will have a better idea of what might be recoverable.

What Are Signs of Gaming Addiction?

Gaming addiction is a mental health concern recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Per the WHO, gaming addiction is:

A pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

If your child exhibits any of the following signs, you may want to talk to them about the potential of having a gaming disorder:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when they are unable to play (e.g., mood swings, rage, irritability, anxiety, or sadness)
  • An inability to quit gaming, even when there are negative consequences
  • Isolating themselves to game
  • Losing friends
  • Expressing rage or becoming violent when you ask them to stop gaming
  • Seriously neglecting their personal hygiene to continue playing
  • Lying about how long they have been playing
  • Excessive hours playing video games
  • Intense urges to play that block out all other thoughts

What Are the Video Game Addiction Lawsuits Claiming?

Dozens of video game addiction lawsuits are claiming that video game developers intentionally created addictive media that targets vulnerable young people in an attempt to ensure an ongoing customer base.

The complaints allege that they used feedback loops, reward systems, and microtransactions to keep kids playing for longer and longer. They also allege that each game has its own specific features that make it potentially addictive. For example:

  • Minecraft can be especially addictive to players with ADHD as they may become hyperfocused on creating worlds. Another feature that makes Minecraft potentially addictive is that, like other online games, it allows users to connect with other players across the globe. That social aspect can cause dopamine spikes.
  • Call of Duty offers rewards called gun and attachment unlocks. The complaints call them a form of “operant conditioning.” The complaints also allege that Call of Duty’s “fast-paced play, satisfying graphics, sounds, and other dopamine lifts” can be addictive. Dopamine lifts can be especially damaging as dopamine is known as the body’s “pathway to pleasure.” The brain might tie that pleasurable feeling with playing video games. It can also become dangerous because reaching that same dopamine release over time can be difficult. This can lead kids to play more and more and more to achieve that same feeling.

Get Help Holding Video Game Developers Liable for Your Child's Gaming Addiction

You’ll want to file a video game addiction claim if your child’s excessive gaming is severely affecting their life. Make sure you act quickly to avoid overstepping the statute of limitations.

Call The Goldwater Law Firm today for a free consultation. We partner with some of the biggest, most successful law firms nationwide who can fight for the justice you and your family need. A video game addiction lawsuit lawyer is ready to help you today.